The Anti-Cancer Life
T.A.C.L eBook Coming Soon
In 2019, at 34 years old, I was diagnosed with Stage IIIC high-grade small cell neuroendocrine cancer, a very rare and deadly disease. With a prognosis rate of only 7%, I set out on a journey to rid my body of cancer (with the help of my team of oncologists of course) using conventional treatment and an integrative, holistic approach. What I found is that, in many cases, Western Medicine isn’t always enough. Cancer is a complicated disease and fighting it requires a multi-dimensional action plan that includes radical treatment plus diet, exercise, supplements, mindset, and out-of-the-box thinking. In my two years of researching and fighting cancer, I’ve developed a roadmap to the Anti-Cancer Lifestyle, because preventing cancer is easier than fighting it. Join me!
Coming Soon.
Diet & Food
Once you learn the science behind cancer it’s easy to see how diet and lifestyle can play a major role. Here I’ll discuss the top cancer-fighting foods as well as how to eat (micro and macronutrients) in order to live a long and healthy life. Also, learn which foods to avoid and how to navigate the stress of “but everything causes cancer.”
Ask any cancer patient and they probably have an anti-cancer protocol. I dig into the science behind herbs and supplements whether you’re looking to prevent or fight cancer and reveal the supplements everyone should be taking now. And while bio-availability is a concern, the notion that you just “pee it all out” is a myth.
Fighting cancer isn’t just about what you put in your body, it’s what you put in your mind as well. We all know stress can cause cancer — so how do we put ourselves into a healing mindset without stressing about, well, everyday stressors? Here I’ll dive into subjects like mediation, spirituality, self-care, and community support.
Complementary Therapy
Believe it or not, cancer treatment hasn’t changed much in the last 50 years. The standard of care is still surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. But we all know, those don’t always work — here I’ll discuss complementary treatments like high-dose Vitamin C, mistletoe, acupuncture, energy healing and more.
All of my smoothie and plant-based diet recipes to help guide you on your journey to health. This isn’t your average “recipe book” though — my goal is to make it easy and quick. Think of this more like a roadmap on how to eat and live. After all, nobody has time for 20-ingredient dishes!
Exercise and Self-Love
Exercise is key to preventing cancer, but it’s also important if you’re undergoing cancer treatment. However, too much exercise can be an immunosuppressant — I’ll discuss the best exercise for long life and how self-love can move mountains.
The AntiCancer Life Podcast
Launching November 2023, the TACL podcast will feature interviews with cancer patients, oncologists, and experts at the forefront of Nextgen technology.
Listen on Youtube (@TheAntiCancerLife) or wherever you get your podcasts.